Getting Out of a Creative Rut
We’ve all been there. Burned out with zero creative juice. It’s hard to know what to do to get to a better place mentally and creatively. Here are a few of our most effective ways to deal with a creative rut:
Change your environment. When the feelings of burnout start to creep in, one of the easiest things you can do is change up your environment. Some of our favorite ways to do this (that doesn’t require taking time off) include working from a coffee shop, set up at a co-working space, find a spot to work outside, or reconfiguring your workspace. A new environment can provide a change and (hopefully) inspiration.
Consider what energizes you. Is it being around new people, learning a new skill, etc.? When was the last time you felt engaged in a project or task? Take 15 minutes to write down your answers to these two questions and give some thought to how incorporating more of those activities might help you. If you want to explore this idea a bit more, read “Designing Your Life,” a book based on a design thinking course at Stanford!
Take a mental break. How long has it been since you’ve taken time to invest in yourself mentally and creatively? While it may sound obvious, it might be time to step away to take a vacation or mental health day/s. If you only have one afternoon or a day to get away, try hiking or exploring somewhere new.
Immerse yourself in a subject. Inspiration can be found in unlikely places, even with subjects that aren’t necessarily related to your work. Dive in to a subject you’re interested in but don’t know much about yet. A museum, an inspiring documentary, or an art lesson are all great ways to get in a different headspace.
Learn a new skill. What’s something you’ve always wanted to learn how to do? It’s never been easier to jump in and learn virtually. Skillshare offers a wide variety of classes including creative writing, branding, art journaling, and more. The Crafter’s Box is great for boosting your crafty skills, such as weaving, leather making, painting, and more. Other online outlets like Udemy or The Great Courses offer a wide variety of subjects like coding, philosophy, food, and almost anything else you can think of.
Talk to a mentor. Sometimes you don’t need another thing to do, you need to talk through it with a trusted creative mentor, friend, or counselor. It’s a great way to get another perspective, which can be very helpful in breaking out of a mental rut.
Reconsider your routines. Give some thought to what routines, habits, interactions, and types of work that might not be serving you well as a creative. Are there areas in your work or daily routine where you can iterate or try something new? Going on a daily walk in the morning and afternoon is one of our favorite ways to get away from the computer.
In our experience, it’s rare that just one of the above suggestions magically works. Getting into a better mental space and out of a creative rut can take time. Addressing the reason/s behind burnout isn’t always simple but small changes compound over time.